Titanya has worked closely with holistic pioneer, her mother, Donna Eden to form these archetypal exercises dedicated to each meridian. Connecting the ancient archetypes of Gods and Goddesses with appropriate meridian energies, Titanya’s exercises are supported with strong affirmations to enliven your own meditation/movement practice. The empowering stories and attributes of the Gods will bring strength to your own life’s struggles. Meridian Flow Motion brings awareness to different body organs, helping your energy to flow and reduce tension to bring a healthy flow throughout your entire body.
Meridian Flow Benefits
- Learning to how trace your meridians will change the foundation of your well-being
- Learning to dance through the meridians in two different ways makes it fun to keep them healthy
- Learn the 12 archetypal meditations movements
- Decrease stress while balancing your emotions
- Decrease pain through simple stretches & easy movements
- Increase happiness with 2 Energy Dances
- Create energetic protection
- Learn to trace all of your meridians
- Increase a healthy flow of energy throughout your entire body
- Increase the health of all your organs
What Are Your Meridians?
Over 2000 years ago the ancient Oriental Healing arts identified a system of pathways throughout our bodies that affect our physical and emotional health and wellbeing, known as the Meridians. These sacred pathways follow acupuncture points on our bodies. These pathways are like an "energy bloodstream." They affect every physical organ and process emotions. When they get blocked, we develop illness, depression and stress, so tracing them is vital to our overall health. There are fourteen meridian pathways that include central, governing, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, circulation sex, triple warmer, gallbladder, liver, lung, large intestine and stomach.
Stress, chemicals and an unhealthy environment may imbalance the meridians. They can also become clogged or flow backward. Luckily it’s easy to maintain meridian health. Your hands and fingers have electromagnetic energy that effects the meridians so whether you trace or flush them and you will immediately encourage your body to communicate more effectively and remind them that you are conscious about caring for it.
For Energy Medicine Students: This DVD is the continuation of the Meridian exercises that were demonstrated in Donna Eden’s Diamond Inlay Class DVD.
About Titanya’s DVDs:
The DVDs that Titanya produces herself take an average 2 years of production time. They are always professionally filmed and edited and usually filmed in multiple nature settings. Titanya personally selects all the beautiful music to complement each DVD… and of course the content is always original, contemporary, fun, educational and beneficial to people of all ages.
Due to Titanya’s busy travel schedule, please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery. When we are not traveling most orders ship out within a few days.
Applicable sales tax and shipping are added to all items.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
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