“Your body will love Energy Medicine Dance! When we follow the energy of the body organically, we release old stuck trauma in your cells. When we begin to listen to the messages and needs of our body and spirit, we begin to bring a compassionate love to our whole system, healing the old wounds.”
-Titanya Monique Dahlin
Titanya’s Energy Medicine Dance™ is a Powerful Healing Dance! “Energy Dance” for short, balances all the systems in the body including Chakras, Meridians, Five Elements and turns on the “Radiant Circuits”, which brings in Joy throughout your whole body and makes you naturally smile and feel good!

Energy Dance puts you in touch with yourself, your soul’s messages, your spiritual path and listens to how YOUR body wants to lead YOU. With some guidance of basic energy medicine techniques, Titanya allows you to find your own rhythm of movement through Energy Medicine Dance.
Music is a grand healer too, which influences your ability to surrender in the moment and freely allows your body to sing. Titanya brings in beautiful ethereal world music and funky beats to find your own “energetic flow”, freeing the body through breath and movement from the inside out. Energy Medicine Dance is the ideal movement practice, while giving your body, mind and spirit a full body workout. When we move, we turn on the body’s natural feelings of pleasure and eliminate the “fight, flight or freeze” responses of our daily lives. We get to pause and give our nervous system a break. When we listen to our body and move accordingly, it helps us to release blockages of trauma in the body. We create habits of “feel-good energy” allowing us to release stress and experience more bliss in our lives.
We need these “feel-good” endorphins swimming through our body, because they keep our immunity levels high and can help us heal quicker. Sometimes we need to wake them up to defeat depression and movement; Energy Dance and music are excellent ways to do this! When we consciously dive into our body’s messages and move accordingly, we surrender to the movement of where we are in our lives and then we become our own powerful healer.
“A deeply original, state-of-the-art experience of Energy Medicine Dance, connecting the 12 Meridians of the body with the great archetypal structures that guide our passions and possibilities.”
~ Jean Houston, Ph.D.
What is Energy Medicine Dance?

Titanya’s Story behind Energy Medicine Dance –
Titanya grew up learning the language of energy, having holistic health pioneer, Donna Eden as her mom. She learned that she was a third generational healer but never really wanted to work with her hands, like her mother. Little did Titanya know that she would find her own unique niche in her mother’s work later in her 20’s with Energy Dance, Energy Medicine Magic for Kids and Life Colors.
From a very early age, Titanya was a dancer! She would lock herself in her room, put on some inspiring music to dance and sing for hours at a time in her personal fantasy world. Her father was the head of the Speech-Theatre-Dance department at a local college and so it was natural that she was put into the traditional dances of ballet and jazz and learned stage acting in musical theatre. It was only until Titanya saw the dances of the South Pacific that she found her true calling. She saw how these dances were storytelling with the body to the rhythms of nature. The women’s bodies were curvy and round, like her own body; They swayed with poetical grace. Little Tanya knew that the earlier dances that she learned never felt natural to her; Learning the dances of Hawaii, Tahiti and New Zealand helped her blossom into the dancer and young woman she would become.

Later when she was a teenager going through her own changes, she was drawn to Middle Eastern dance, the Belly dance. Her own belly dance teacher, whom she is so grateful for, trained her one on one and taught her about the Goddess within herself as well as the ancient seasonal pagan celebrations. As a young teenager, Titanya found her passion and confidence in her body through the dance and the old religions.
For over 40 years, Titanya has been a professional dancer and teacher traveling through the world helping women to connect to their divine femininity through these sacred dances and powerful ceremonies. As a Belly dance teacher, she taught her students in unique ways, as she brought in the language of energy medicine thought movement. Many women got pregnant in her classes when they found that this dance was so connected to their divine source of who they were. Fast forward to the early days of Energy Medicine, Titanya would come to her mother’s workshops. She saw that Donna’s students needed a better way to remember the powerfully healing Energy Medicine exercises, and to practice them with more conscious movement and flow. She created Energy Dance to help people connect with their unique energy, release their own blocks, and help heal themselves through their own personal movement and connecting with their spiritual journey. With inspirational world music, Titanya brought together her own knowledge and background of sacred movement, spirituality and her mother’s healing energy work, that she grew up with.
Dance Your Healing Way Home with Titanya Dahlin

Titanya’s Slow Figure 8 Dance, based upon Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine
Bring Titanya’s Energy Medicine Dance home with one of her DVD’s
Titanya created Energy Medicine Dance (“Energy Dance” for short) as a calling to meet every age group, every size and even those who were immobile. It has even been great for people in wheelchairs or while doing it in bed, before rising! Energy Dance is easy, fun and uplifting. As humans, we need to move to break open the feelings of depression and stuck energy and then it can move us beyond our own limiting beliefs of what we can do.
“When we move, we surrender and follow the rhythms of feeling good. With Energy Medicine Dance, we begin to take more care of and are more aware of our sacred body temples. This is an act of self love!” ~ Titanya Monique Dahlin

“Titanya has taken Energy Medicine and combined it with music to make it fun, and artistically delightful. She teaches practical exercises with movement which inspire motivation and joy in my classes. Now you can do them in your own home. They’re awesome!”
-Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine

you’ve experienced Titanya’s Energy Dance, You probably know that there are two types of Energy Dance…
Wake-up Energy Dancing~ One is 15-20 minutes of choreographed Energy dancing that can help wake up a class whether in the morning or in the afternoon slump. Titanya leads the energy medicine movements to bring in vitality and inspiration to the participants. It can help students take more information in, while energizing their body.
Organic Energy Dance ~ The other way to do Energy Medicine Dance is more Organic. Titanya will teach the energy medicine techniques while leading portions of the class through spoken word. Participants move accordingly to their own unique rhythms and mood of the moment, following Titanya’s voice to release blockages and old limiting beliefs. These classes have topics such as Titanya’s Chakra Dancing, Five Element Flow, Magic Meridian Dance, Radiant Circuit Routines, and so much more! Titanya connects you with your own personal journey through Eden Energy Medicine to become your own healing dancer! These classes last 1- 2 hours, depending.

Energy Medicine Dance™ is easy and is for everyone! Every size, Every age, and can even be done in a chair or in bed! You do not need to be a dancer to experience it!
Energy Medicine Dance™ decreases stress hormones and increases feel-good endorphins, giving your whole energy system a natural energy boost!
Energy Medicine Dance™ moves your body in ways to help balance hormones and creates healthy changes to age joyfully.
Energy Medicine Dance™ helps you to strengthen your self-esteem and connect to your body in a new way.
Energy Medicine Dance™ can motivate you to envision your goals, to awaken your senses with guided visualization and dance ritual, that Titanya guides.
“When we move our body, especially in a conscious way, we move those emotional scars out of our energy field to feel and look more radiant. And then, we can find space and empowerment to take the next step in our lives.”
~ Titanya Monique Dahlin
In Titanya’s workshops, she offers many different pathways, depending on the groups she teaches.
- Discover your own Divine Empowerment in different ways through movement, visualization and joy.
- Follow your own Healing to let go of the outside world for a while and retreat and listen to your own body’s messages.
- Experience Titanya’s Chakra Dance – Show you how to move organically, exploring and cleansing the body’s chakra system, freeing the emotional scars of your own life’s journey. This class can give an incredible feeling of release through the body, mind, spirit and soul that can help you connect with your divine soul.
- Move through Titanya’s Magical Meridian Dance – Connect to the body’s meridian pathways. Through stretch and yogic-like exercises, Titanya helps you connect to the powerful meridian archetypes.
- Learn the knowledge of the Eden Energy Medicine Basics and Beyond, including the understanding of the Chakras, Meridian Archetypes and their emotional pathways, the ancient “Radiant Circuits” and the Chinese Five Elements.
- Explore Titanya’s Five Elements Dance – Dance and move through the cycle of the Five Element Wheel moving out old stuck energy and emotions. Align with your mind, body, and spirit to create a more balanced energy. You will leave this class feeling refreshed and powerful!
- Learn Techniques of Stress-management through play, dance and acupressure, energy exercises and lymphatic points from Eden Energy Medicine.
- Balance your Hormones as you trace energy pathways, move your body and connect with the cycles of your life.
- Create Art and Sacred Writing to follow as you listen to your own soul’s messages following movement.
- Play with Titanya’s Energy Medicine Dance for Kid’s – Connect to your own inner child, while empowering your own children through dance and movement. This can bring in Confidence, help with Emotional Regulation and embrace Compassion towards themselves and others.

Participants in Titanya’s workshops have expressed that they become part of a healing and supportive community, as they witness and dance in-between and with each other with a safe space. The dancers become the creators of their own inner journey as they move freely, finding the authentic movement of who they are in that present moment. Many emotions can arise through movement from crying to laughter, until they are released through dance ecstasy. Your body, mind and spirit are awakened fully cleansed, balanced, and brought to a happy, more peaceful place. It’s a great experience!
Titanya has been teaching Energy Medicine Dance™ for more than 30 years. Her popular DVD’s have sold all over the world. She has taught to crowds as large as over 1,000 people and as small as a few lucky individuals in workshops around world.
Some of the retreats and online courses that Titanya has taught at include: Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, Mindvalley, Feathered Pipe Ranch, International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine, International Psychology Conference (France) and International Body, Mind, Spirit festivals (Australia, England) and so many more.
Titanya’s Aquatic Energy Medicine Dance
Come dance in the water like a Mermaid or Merman! Titanya even takes Energy Medicine Dance into the water!

You can experience Titanya’s Aquatic Energy Medicine Dance whenever Donna’s Workshops have a pool and warm weather. It’s an experience you won’t forget!
Water is helpful for poor circulation throughout the body, such as arthritis, lymphomas, DVT’s and blood clots, as well as some immune illnesses. As you move in the water, you do not need to do much to feel your body react in positive ways. As you dance through the water, the water’s swirling energy around you creates figure eights for your own health, as well as creating a natural protection around your aura.
Water is a great element because you feel light and limitless. It lights up and turns on your radiant circuits. Being in the water, brings us back to a sensation of the embryonic fluids, where everything was easy in your mommy’s tummy.
Water is also great for overweight people. The water supports them, as they move. The swirling motions of the water help move fat cells to circulate. The resistance is great for moving your body in the water and can stimulate your lymphatic system too. Water balances your whole system.
“In Aquatic Energy Medicine Dance, we use the same techniques, movements, and visualizations but now we are held up by the power of the water. There are movements that you can do only in the water, such as a ‘Whole- Body Cross-Crawl’, using the whole body instead of just the arms and legs. People feel wonderful and free of their body’s limitations!”
~ Titanya Monique Dahlin

Be sure to check out Titanya’s MP3 download’s of Energy Dancing.
If you are interested in Titanya’s Energy DVD’s Click Here
Bring Titanya’s Energy Medicine Dance home with one of her DVD’s
1st DVD in the series
This is the first DVD in the Energy Dance series. If you are new to Energy Medicine or moving, this is what you want.
Heal yourself through dance! Renowned and award winning dancer, Titanya Dahlin combines the benefits of dance with Eden Energy Medicine in this easy and fun DVD. As Titanya says, “Find Your Funky Flow and Make it Juicy!” to create more health and vitality in your life!
Titanya leads beginning students through basic Eden Energy Medicine Exercises with breath-work and health descriptions in the first 40 min of this DVD. In the second hour, you will take the same movements but now organically and freely move your body and spirit to a more upbeat and livelier rhythm.
“When all else Fails, Don’t forget to Dance.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
If you are interested in Titanya’s Energy Medicine Bellydance Click Here